Sunday, February 13, 2011

Drawings at the British Museum

What is in a tree that belongs to it specifically but which would run counter to our concept of a tree?  -- Rene Magritte

It’s a delightful koan: Magritte’s response was the drawing (right) of a tree cast as a leaf, a leaf cast as a brick wall.  The work, titled La Geante, is part of an exhibition at the British Museum, Modern Drawings: Picasso to Mehretu, through April 25.

When I first took watercolor classes, learned that I was doomed to playing with abstract blobs of color unless I learned to draw.  I took several classes through the local community college and the Kirkland Arts Center and really developed an affinity for charcoals and for Life Drawing.  It makes me more confident in approaching media like watercolor and pastels, and it’s always fun to go to an exhibition like this and see the styles and experiments of professional artists.




Artists (Top left to Bottom right): Haizmann, Chicago, Matisse, Kirchner, unknown.



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