Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, around town

DSC00157 (1200x915)De herfst arrived in Maastricht this weekend with alternating days of warm sun and rainly cold.  It was a good weekend, overall, catching up with the accounts, the apartment, and the move.

Delightfully, I joined the celebration of Molly’s DSC00181 (900x1200)60th, we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ in as many languages as we could think of, fitting for a big expat crowd enjoying wine and conversation.  I debated the Mind body problem, the Dream, and the Peaceful Life with Gee, recently retired from the Nuclear Medicine department.

And I wondered whether Choice Theory means that if someone arrives at their wrong answer, one that nonetheless pleases them, then is it also a good answer?

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But mostly I took quiet time, lost along public walks in private thoughts.

‘Somewhat as a blowy Sunday should be.



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